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Trump: The Most Effective Ringmaster?


“A cartoon character, a literal professional wrestling contestant, is one economic downturn or one scandal away from becoming the president.”

Great post here by Adam Kotsko (quoted above) about Trump. I’ve got to say I’m largely of the same mind. Reading it, however, a scary thought crossed my mind:

First, I read this in Adams’ post and couldn’t help but shake my head, chuckle and agree: “To me, he [Trump] seems like a charlatan and a fool, in a way that is immediately, overpoweringly obvious. I know we are all rightly suspicious of universals in this day and age, but I suspect that anyone, regardless of cultural background, is fully capable of recognizing Donald Trump as a worthless blowhard.”

Then I thought about how I keep hearing that many people who are supporting Trump are “sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way Washington is run” (to quote PA’s idiot congressman Tom Marino who was on NPR this morning talking about his buddy Trump) and how  these same people like how Trump simply ‘says what he thinks,’ i.e. there is no political correctness with Trump, his rhetoric is entertainment and stimulating to folks who prefer a reality show type diversion to boring, nuanced, complex intellectual conversation.

SO, giving Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt for a second, and assuming that there is no way they could see Trump as anything BUT a charlatan and a fool…

AND, also taking into consideration this intuition of mine (based on personal experience with Trump supporters and Republicans in general) that wants to describe the majority of Trump supporters as disillusioned, fed-up, nihilistic-no-one-else-to-vote-for Republicans who very well might abstractly characterize all politicians as “clowns” and Washington as a “three-ring circus…”

COULD IT BE POSSIBLE that these people are in on the joke and are actually more cynical and jaded than even the most hard-core John Stewart/John Oliver liberal and actually just want to push this perceived reality of theirs as far as it can go and merely elect the clown they think will make the most effective/entertaining ring master of the Washington circus?



1 Comment

  • James Kester
    November 25, 2016

    Quoting from a poet's famous literary work.....
    "How does it feel?"

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