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With surplus, comes starvation.

If you perceive the universe as being a universe of abundance, then it will be. If you think of the universe as one of scarcity, then it will be. And I never thought of the universe as one of scarcity. I always thought that there was enough of everything to go around–that there are enough ideas in the universe and enough nourishment.

A lot of people I know think the universe is one of scarcity, and if they don’t get enough money or enough fame, it’s because there isn’t enough to go around. I think there is more than enough of everything to go around. If the world could shift this consciousness, the sense of abundance would be overwhelming.

It’s like the old story of primitive societies: When these groups are living at the edge of survival, everyone eats, and there is enough food for everyone. As soon as there is a surplus–this is absolutely characteristic of primitive tribes and everything else–people start starving. Because as soon as there is a surplus, people begin to horde. It is a simple proposition, but almost universally true from an anthropological point of view–with surplus, comes starvation.

–Paul Rand

Poster by Paul Rand



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