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The Earth IS Sacred Revelation

SussmanTreeThe Earth is sacred revelation. We know this fact when we are troubled. Often, when we need to work through a problem, we take a walk in a park, or go outside and sit under a tree, or visit one of our “sacred places” in the natural world, or spend time with our pets, or listen to the wisdom of our own bodies, or gaze at the stars. In so doing we turn to the planet and cosmos—the “other 99 percent of creation”–for assistance. We hear the voices of nature, not in a way that obstruct our critical faculties, but in a way that nourishes them. Such is the way living scriptures—written or non-written—should function.

The above passage comes from Jay McDaniels’ book “With Roots and Wings: Christianity in an Age of Ecology and Dialogue.” Originally published in the mid 90’s, the book is seriously prophetic. For those interested in subjects like comparative religion, ecology, progressive Christianity, and process theology, check this book out.

Photograph above by Rachel Sussman from her “oldest living things in the world” body of work.”



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