“At its core, Whitehead’s philosophy of education emphasizes the idea that a good life is most profitably thought of as an educated or civilized life, two terms which Whitehead often uses interchangeably. As we think, we live. Thus it is only as we improve our thoughts that we improve our lives. The result, says Whitehead, is that “There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations” – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
“If possible, teaching should alternate between theoretical and practical problems…” – Paul Rand
“The result, says Whitehead, is that the commonly made distinction between technical education and liberal education “is fallacious. There can be no adequate technical education which is not liberal, and no liberal education which is not technical: that is, no education which does not impart both technique and intellectual vision” (1929a, 74). The good life requires, not just accomplishment, but also the stimulus to create, and participate in, an improved, more civilized society.” – Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
I’m working on a short little article for Process Perspectives magazine in which I will be trying to connect graphic designer Paul Rand’s ideas of design and the play-principle to Whitehead’s philosophy of education. It shouldn’t be too hard to do since Rand’s design theory was considerably influenced by process thinkers like Dewey and Whitehead.
Tags:abstractalfred north whitheadconcretedesigneducationpaul rand