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Sophia is the feminine Christ. Without her, there is only cruel and delusional Yahweh.

“For all that [Jordan] Peterson speaks of the Bible, so far, he leaves out one vital figure, perhaps the most vital figure: Sophia. In Carl Jung’s Answer to Job, Jung calls Sophia the logos itself. He names Sophia the mediator between humankind and God. Who is Sophia? Wisdom. She is the feminine wisdom exiled from the world, because in Gnostic Christian mythology, she created the world without consent from God, and in doing so, created a false God called the Demiurge, and the serpent and the fall. The redemption of the world is the return of Sophia from exile.”

In his epic work of Christian mysticism, Valentin Tomberg wrote that the complete Holy Trinity is not father-son-holy spirit. In fact, it is the Holy Trinity plus mother, daughter and holy soul. The Holy Trinity, according to the greatest master of Catholic mysticism I have ever read, is actually composed of six parts, not three, and it is feminine and masculine in nature. It is intersex, or both sexes, it is fundamentally androgynous. There is so much we do not yet understand about human identity – why must traditionalists cut off all possibility for transformation out of fear alone?

To combine the feminine and the masculine is the goal of all this gender trouble, to make ‘one’ where there is now division. In the Answer to Job, Jung refers to Yahweh, or God himself, as “unconscious”, a monster, a beast of nature. It is only Sophia who is able to create self-reflection through the mediation between Yahweh and Job. It is the feminine out of which the logos is born. If modern feminism is corrupt in spite of this fact, it is because culture itself is corrupt. If the transgender movement is incomplete, it is because it is too political and not enough immersed in the archaic foundations for transforming gender, the mythical synthesis of male and female. But we also have ourselves to blame for removing Sophia entirely from our retellings of the Biblical story – Sophia is the feminine Christ. Without her, there is only cruel and delusional Yahweh, the primal God who shaped the world but who is not fit to run it alone.

But in the Q&A after the talk, Peterson explicitly defined the relationship between male and female as that of Christ and Mary. In other words, Mary raises Christ. The purpose of women is not to become heroes, but to raise them. That is impossible for a truly ambitious woman. If I were born a woman, obsessed with these mystical and philosophical questions, I would resent that statement so deeply I may never recover. Peterson’s philosophy is centered, in this way, upon a male subject. In order to redeem the father, the next generation of mythical thinkers must reorient the woman out of this secondary position. Perhaps that entails changing the very biology of childbirth – with DNA editing, who knows what will follow. The tranhumanist idea must return Sophia to the world, not be finished at the half-answer of Mary. Valentin Tomberg, interestingly enough, spoke of the Mary-Sophia as the ultimate form of the woman. Both raiser of heroes and the hero herself. That is completeness and perfection. Not this half-answer of women in one corner, men in another, men striving, women bearing children. The reason for the fall and the progress of history is to return to Eden with higher values and more complete myths, not merely to repeat the past. Of that I am certain.”

More great writing from philosopher, Alexander Blum, above. This passage comes from his critical analysis of Jordan Peterson, a person whose work deserves A LOT of criticism in my opinion!



  • Nicole Sophia
    September 8, 2022

    What if I knew where SHE IS? WOULD YOU BELIEVE?

    She would fulfill the Scriptures...CORRECT?



    • Marcus lynn
      March 17, 2023

      Yaldabaoth lied tell me the truth and the whole truth so help you

    • October 27, 2023

      I'd like to know. I have some thoughts on it as well.

      Keira (Croft) Vardell

      The field titles were missing so I did what I could.

    • Brianna Wyble
      February 8, 2024

      I would like to know, dear one

  • Glenda
    April 1, 2023

    No she isn't...CHRIST is God Incarnate, He's eternal, not Created...Sophia states that God Created her before He Created the world...She is His consort...Read Proverbs 8:22-31~...CHRIST even states in ancient text that she is the Mother of the Universe, and she states that she was beside God during Creation literally helping Him with Her own craftmanship...Just like all of God's TRUTH, Satan has twisted, distorted, and deceived people again with his Gnostic [Satanic] fake gospel...He has most definitely succeeded in deceiving this whole world just like the LORD foretold and warned that he would in the End Times, well we're most definitely there...Sophia is wisdom, love, hope, and faith...A Holy Spirit and the Mother of the Universe, just as Yhwh/Yeshua is the Father/Son of the universe...

  • w1shd0m
    April 22, 2023

    In the name of the MOTHER FATHER GOD! In the name of the Mother-Father, Daughter-Son and Great Spirit. Thy Queendom come…. Any culture that lacks the Mother God and turns the power of the Mother God into a disempowered virgin mother had lack of respect for nature and is incomplete.

  • May 25, 2023

    The feminine is associated with the spirit of life. It is more of a power, energy of life and love. It is the creator of all. And so is with the Holy Spirit.
    The masculine side is associated with the soul: mind, will and emotions. This is another dimension of consciousness that is based on experience. And so is the case with Yahweh, and Christ who is the King of kings.
    The Spirit gave rise to the soul. So, her status is higher but not higher in the worldly sense but in the motherly sense. Her position is beyond governing and ruling. It is everything to do with creating and breathing herself into her creation.
    But her Son is the King she appoints to rule in the manner she guides him to.
    I think that is why Peterson sees the relationship between male and female as that of Jesus and Mary or Christ and the Holy Spirit. "Mary raises Jesus" is the manifestation and the retelling of a heavenly story of the Holy Spirit raising Christ. It's the Holy Spirit that takes the Soul which was always part of her (eternally in her bosom) and brings him to life and awareness and sits him on the throne and he is forever her baby son. No son can govern without the blessing of the Holy Spirit and remains alive, and Lucifer is a vivid testimony to that.

  • Lilith Hutchinson
    April 4, 2024

    As a Baptist I am learning a missing piece in my life
    The power of a Holy Mother who has been worshipped as a deity a water goddess and who knows what more I shall learn

  • Clara
    February 6, 2025

    Sophia wisdom christ the instrument of wisdom.

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