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How the world works and what matters most: Neoliberalism and Political Theology


“…neoliberalism brings with it a theory of how political institutions and laws should be set up, a program that it has been remarkably effective in carrying out. What is perhaps less noticed is its theology, its profound and—to many people, at least among business and political elites—deeply compelling account of how the world works and what matters most. In the neoliberal worldview, we live in a world full of isolated individuals who yearn to express their freedom through participation in market competition, and the best thing to do is to set up policies that effectively CREATE a world full of isolated individuals who yearn to express their freedom through participation in market competition.

From a certain perspective, neoliberalism is arguably the most coherent and self-reinforcing political theology ever devised – in fact, the political and theological are so deeply intertwined that it paradoxically becomes difficult to recognize it AS a form of political theology.”

The above quote comes from a blog post by political theologian, Adam Kotsko, which is actually a transcribed lecture he gave recently. In the post Kotsko covers what he means by “neoliberalism,” what he means by “political theology,” and also gets into tracing the genealogy of the devil and wonderfully brings forth the political origins and implications of the concept, which is also the subject of his latest book. I definitely plan to reading this one!



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