I didn’t realize I had a hole in my shirt
until I put it on and walked out the door.
Quietly close to ignorance
that only lasts until it’s chased away.
Don’t we all have holes in our shirts…
Further more, holes in our hearts?
Our tattered dignity is draped around our form,
smelling like the streets upon which we sleep.
Tell all your friends to pay a toll;
Ask them to keep an eye on things.
Don’t think that we like to be alone.
This pervasive silence conformed to stucco walls,
cracked like the smiles on our faces.
We were starving ants carrying
morsels back to camp.
All the birds are silent in the woods.
Just wait: soon enough
you will be quiet too.
Turri© 7-16-11
Painting above by Marie Aly, Berlin, Germany.
Tags:birdsGermanylearningMarie Alypoemssmilesunknowingwoods