“The Odyssey, from Greek mythology, is the classic Western saga, so much so that now we use the word “odyssey” to describe all significant human journeys. A religious myth is not something that is not true. Although it may not be true in particular, it is overwhelmingly true in general. Even the ancients knew that these stories were not full historical fact, but were spiritual genius—and were therefore “true”!
We are an exception to most of human history, which recognized that sacred myths proceed from a much deeper place. Maybe some would call this deeper place the collective unconscious. Believers would call it the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. But there is a deeper river of truth where holy and wise people learn to see and to read life.
In Homer’s Odyssey, the prophet, Tiresias, is blind. It is amazing how often in literature and mythology the seer or prophet is blind (at least to the common way of seeing). It seems that what most of us call seeing is largely useless. It is all arguing about the surface of the river when the real truth is flowing much deeper.”
Adapted from the webcast: The Odyssey: The Further Journey
The more days that pass, the more I love Richard Rohr.
Painting by Sue Hodnett
Tags:mythologyRichard RohrseeingSue Hodnetttruthwisdom