“The Resurrection is one of the most revolutionary statements. It actually means that human dignity, freedom and brokenness are all connected to their origin and consummation. It means that us as individuals ultimately matter, and us as a community ultimately matter.
Mysticism can become a cop-out in this sense, because it tends to dissolve the self into the whole, and the whole into the self. A place where Resurrection is the act of revelation, affirms both the self, the community, the finite world and its fullness (communitarian sense), and the transcendent possibilities and hope of God. All those things are there. But if you get rid of ’em, and Resurrection is just what happens in your stomach when you’re thinking about Jesus, or had too many beers or whatever, it becomes a big let down.
Look, I would be bored if I didn’t believe in Resurrection. I would probably end up being a hardcore Marxist-Materialist, trying to start a violent revolution–which kinda sucks as a pacifist. So, I believe in the Resurrection because I don’t want to have a gun in my house. […] Unless God has a good word to speak for those who have actually had their lives snuffed out…well, it’s in those times that you had better say ‘he is risen.’”
The above text is a transcribed quote from Tripp Fuller, taken from this podcast conversation between Tripp and Daniel Kirk.
Art above by Kelly Latimore
Tags:daniel kirkhomebrewed christianityJesuspacifismresurrectionrevolutiontripp fuller