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Things I’ll Tell My Child Someday: You Don’t Possess Your Identity

There are so many things that pop in my head–nuggets of wisdom if you will–which I would love to share with my son. The problem is that he is only 10 months old and right now he’s focused on learning how to feed himself. So, I will be posting my fatherly wisdom here for now. They will be, for the most part, my own thoughts (informed by the wisest people to ever live of course), conveyed in my own voice and accompanied by original artwork. Don’t make fun of me.


You don’t possess your identity son, it is received by you and flows from you as a gift from God. Therefore, remember that no one can take it from you. If you base your identity (who you are) in a reality of possession, you will always fear the loss of that possession (dispossession), and fear will infuse your existence. This is a sinful, harmful kind of identity son. Saint Paul calls it Sarx, and it will require aggression or appeasement, and force you to defend it against other people and, ultimately, against death (the enemy), which would threaten to take your prized possession away.

However, if you ground your identity in God, like Jesus did, you can never be dispossessed of yourself because you do not own yourself. You are free from the anxiety of having to keep possession of your own reality in order to be. Love that is free of self-interest and necessity fears nothing. In other words, “perfect love drives out all fear.” -1 John 4:18



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