This is a new series I will be writing. To be brief, there are so many things that pop in my head–nuggets of wisdom if you will–which I would love to share with my son. The problem is that he is only 9 months old and right now he’s focused on learning how to feed himself. So, I will be posting my fatherly wisdom here for now. They will be, for the most part, original thoughts accompanied by original artwork. Don’t make fun of me.

“Don’t be ashamed of your thoughts or feelings son.
If someone makes you feel ashamed for feeling a certain way, experiencing a certain emotion or having a certain thought, it says more about them then it does about you. Human Beings are complex, emotional creatures. I’ve heard it said once that “feelings are facts,” meaning that the way you feel is the way you feel, that’s just how it is. Being asked to ignore your feelings or attempting to pretend you don’t feel a certain way is the equivalent of trying to ignore gravitational pull. Suppressing feelings or emotions does not make them go away. They come out one way or the other.
What is important is how you communicate and regulate your feelings, thoughts or emotions. It’s one thing to have a thought or a feeling just pop up in your head and float away, which happens to everyone–I think about the most bizarre, embarrassing things, trust me–it’s another thing to act inappropriately on them or to express them in an harmful way. Communication is very difficult son, but it’s one of the most important things in life. If communication fails, everything fails.”