Jesus talks about death and rebirth constantly, his and ours. He calls us to let go, turn away, renounce, confess, repent, and leave behind the old ways. He talks of the life that will come from his own death, and he promises that life will flow to us in thousands of small ways as we die to our egos, our pride, or need to be right, our self-sufficiency, our rebellion, and are stubborn insistence that we deserve to get our way. When we cling with white knuckles to our sins and hostility, we’re like a tree that won’t let its leaves go. There can’t be a spring if we’re still stuck in the fall.
Lose your life and find it, he says.
That’s how the world works.
That’s how the soul works.
That’s how life works when you’re dying to live.
The above quote comes from Rob Bell’s book Love Wins. I am just about done with the book and haven’t really had a chance to process it all yet. I will however say two things:
- It is becoming more and more evident to me that you can not speak about Resurrection without, at the same time, speaking about Cross (death). They can’t be separated.
- When it comes to speaking about Resurrection (and therefore, Cross), there are few that do it better than Rob Bell.
Above mixed media piece by Bo Christian Larson
Tags:CrossdeathfalllifeLove WinsresurrectionRob Bellspring