That biblical vision of a world-for-all did not come from our modern ideas of democratic power or our contemporary claims about human or civil rights. It did not come from liberalism, socialism, or communism. In recognizing its challenge we are not retrojecting any of that modernity back onto antiquity. A world-for-all came, if one needs an -ism, from Godism. That means, of course, that the biblical tradition does not proclaim “social justice” but “divine justice” — which is something like social justice on steroids.
–John Dominic Crossan
Great article here by John Dominic Crossan over at Huff Po Religion about how and why the Bible promotes equality.
Illustration by Edward Kinsella
Tags:Edward KinsellaeuqalityJohn Dominic CrossanJustice
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christian_Salafia, jesse turri. jesse turri said: blog post: Social Justic vs. Divine Justice + fantastic illustration by Edward Kinsella #fb [...]