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Lewis Carroll, Orthodox/Quaker Thought, The Audobon Society, and the Willingness to Squint

An extraordinary presentation by Callid Keefe-Perry at Theology After Google.  The part that really stuck with me was when he quoted Rufus Jones’ Introduction to George Fox’s journal.

“…real spiritual life begins when the individual becomes aware of [God].”

This really makes me think of the example Peter Rollins uses when speaking about the God shaped hole. People  often talk about a God shaped hole, that there is a place in our life that only God fits in. A void that only God can fill. Well this isn’t necessarily true.

Take the example of a single man who has tried and tried to snag himself a girlfriend. No matter how much cologne he wears, how cool he tries to be, or how hard he tries to impress the ladies, women smell the desperation on him and reject him over and over. Finally, one day, the man decides he does not need a woman to make him feel complete. He gives up on searching for his soul mate and decides to get on with his life. At that moment, the moment when he becomes confident and aware of his new found independence, he meets his soul mate. He and his new love quickly become engaged and get married. Reflecting on this turn of events the man intellectually knows that he could not have needed her or loved her before he knew her, but know that he knows her, he sees unmistakeably that he has always loved her and always needed her.

How we express our experience of the Divine can change our experience of the Divine. -Callid Keefe-Perry on why we need a Theopoetic

Take ten minutes and watch this enlightening presentation. Shalom!



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