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Yes you’re human too, that’s why more is expected of you.

“The notion that political enemies are human, too, sharing our common human hopes and fears, triumphs and vulnerabilities, is often deployed in a way to downplay political division and enmity. In reality, though, the fact that our enemies are human, too, is what makes them morally accountable. If they were inhuman monsters who thrived on death and suffering, then we would expect nothing of them but sadism. The fact that they share our common humanity, that they have experienced love and pain and disappointment and satisfaction just like us, is what makes it so intolerable that they would, for instance, vote to take away people’s access to health care just because they said they would, with no plausible narrative for why such a thing is beneficial as public policy or even as an act of political expediency.”

The passage above was written by political theologian, Adam Kotsko, in a post he titled On the old saw, “Remember your enemies are human too.” I meant to post this a while ago but forgot. So many hearts for this… ❤️❤️❤️



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