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‘Consumed in Grace’ and Theopoetics

Last night I gave a [very] brief introduction to Theopoetics and led a discussion at Valley Mosaic. This was one of the poems I shared in hopes that it would help people gain a better understanding of how to think, write and communicate in a theopoetic manner.

Consumed in Grace
by Saint Catherine of Siena

IĀ first saw God when I was a child, six years of age.
the cheeks of the sun were pale before Him,
and the earth acted as a shy
girl, like me.

Divine light entered my heart from His love
that did never fully wane,

though indeed, dear, I can understand how a person’s
faith can at time flicker,

for what is the mind to do
with something that becomes the mind’s ruin:
a God that consumes us
in His grace.

I have seen what you want;
it is there,

a Beloved of infinite

I asked people to approach the poem not as a riddle or problem to be solved and answered, but as another persons expression of their encounter with the Divine. I asked people to read the poem and ask themselves the question, ‘how does this make me feel?’

This is the mission of Theopoetics. It is an invitation to another way of seeing the world. A “roughing up” of our comfortable realities. For more information about Theopoetics, click here.

Photo by Markus Mrugalla



  • May 17, 2010

    I loved last night. It was great to hear it put into words how I've felt about my artistic expression toward God all my life. Thank you!

    • turricom
      May 17, 2010

      Crystal, it was truly wonderful to have you there. I was so excited when you asked to share a song! It fit in perfectly with the rest of the discussion. Thanks for reading :)

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